Friday, May 13, 2016

Only SLC Questions Collection [Network and Telecommunciation]

1. Questions
a)      Define LAN topology. Draw star topology. [SLC 2064, 2072, 2067, 2065 S , 2068 S, SLC 2069 S]
b)      Give the importance of modem in the computer network. [SLC 2064]
c)      What is computer network? [SLC 2066, 2068 S, 2069 S, 2070 S]
d)      Write any two examples of data communication. [SLC 2067]
e)      Write any two types of LAN topology.[SLC 2068]
f)       Write any four advantages of computer network. [SLC 2069, SLC 2065 S]
g)      What is network topology? Write any one advantage of star topology.[SLC 2070, 2065 S, 2066 S]
h)      Give two-two difference between peer-to-peer and client/server network architecture. [SLC 2071]
i)        What is bandwidth? [SLC 2066 S]
j)        Draw the Bus topology. [SLC 2067 S, 2069 S]
k)      Write any two reasons for computer network. [2070 S]
l)        What is communication channel? [SLC 2072]

2. Fill in the blanks
a) _________ means two-way communication system. [SLC 2064]

3. Select the best answer
a)      Which refers to the communication media? [SLC 2064]
i. UTP cable     ii. Fiber optic cable        iii. Radio wave  iv. All
b) Which is Network operating system(NOS)? [SLC 2064]
i. Linux             ii. Windows XP             iii. MS-DOS      iv. All
c) Which refers to the communication media? [SLC 2065]
i) UTP cable     ii) Fiber optic cable        iii) Satellite        iv) All of the above
d) Which one is not a network topology? [SLC 2066]
i) Star               ii) Ring              iii) Client Server                        iv) Bus
e) Which is not a communication media? [SLC 2067]
i) Wire              ii) Microwave                iii) Satellite                    iv) NIC
f) In which topology network devices are connected through hub? [SLC 2067]
i) Ring topology ii) Bus topology             iii) Star topology            iv) None of the above
g) Which of the following is not a protocol? [SLC 2068]
i) POP ii) TCP/IP         iii) NOS                        iv) FTP
h) In which communication media data transfer high? [SLC 2068]
i) Twisted pair   ii) Co-axial cable           iii) Fiber optics               iv) Microwave
i) Which is not unguided media? [SLC 2069]
i) Fiber optics    ii) Microwave    iii) Infrared        iv) Radio wave
j) Which one is bounded media? [SLC 2070]
i) Fibre optics    ii) Microwave    iii) Infrared        iv)Laser
k) Which one is an operating system software? [SLC 2070]
i) MS-Word      ii) MS-Excel      iii) Firefox         iv) MS-DOS
l) Which is NOT a guided media? [SLC 2066 S]
i) UTP Cable    ii) STP Cable    iii) Satellite        iv) Fiber Optics
m)Modem converts [SLC 2066 S]
i) Sound into digital        ii) Digital into sound       iii) Both i) and ii)            iv) None
o) Which one is an example of bounded media? [SLC 2067 S]
i) Fiber optics    ii) Microwave transmission         iii)Laser transmission     iv) infrared transmission
            p) Which of the following is not a guided data communication media? [SLC 2068 S]
i) Coaxial cable             ii) Fiber optic     iii) twisted pair               iv) Satellite
q) Which of the following network connects computer to the Internet? [SLC 2069 S]
i) Intranet                      ii) LAN             iii) WAN                       iv) MAN
q) Media used to transfer data in forms of light? [SLC 2070 S]
i. Microwave   ii. Fiber optical   iii. Radio wave   iv. Satellite

4. Write the full form of the following.
a) WAN [SLC 2064, SLC 2067 S]
b) Bits [SLC 2064]
c) NIC [SLC 2064, SLC 2065, SLC 2065 S, SLC 2067 S, SLC 2069 S]
d) TCP [SLC 2065]
e) STP [SLC 2065]
f) MAN [SLC 2066, SLC 2068, SLC 2069, 2068 S]
g) OS [SLC 2066]
h) bps [SLC 2067, SLC 2068, SLC 2068 S]
i) URL [SLC 2068, SLC 2072, SLC 2068 S]
j) UTP [SLC 2069, 2066 S, SLC 2070 S]
k) TCP/IP [SLC 2070]
l) LAN [SLC 2070, SLC 2071, SLC 2072, SLC 2069 S]
m) Gpbs [SLC 2071]
n) Kbps [SLC 2065 S]
o) MODEM [SLC 2065 S, SLC 2072]
p) NOS [SLC 2066 S, SLC 2069 S]

5. Give technical terms
a) A device used at end user’s computer in a network which converts digital signal into analog and vice-versa. [SLC 2064, 2067 S]
b) A computer network limited within a room. [SLC 2065]
c) Rules and format to accept and transfer data in the computer network.[ SLC 2066]
d) A set of rules that governs how computer exchange information over computer network. [SLC 2067]
e) The device used to connect PC with telephone line. [SLC 2068]
f) The rules that make the network communication possible. [SLC 2068]
g) A main computer in the computer network. [SLC 2068]
h) Physical layout of LAN. [SLC 2069]
i) A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer. [SLC 2070]
j) The data carrying capacity of communication channel. [SLC 2071]
k) The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related  technology. [SLC 2065 S]
l) A computer which provides services to other computers in a network. [SLC 2072]
m) A card used to connect network cable to computer. [SLC 2066 S]
n) The data carrying capacity of communication channel. [SLC 2068 S]
o) Hub or switch based network topology. [SLC 2068 S]
p) Network sharing and exchanging information between different people. [SLC 2070 S]
q) A set of rules and procedures that govern transmission of messages. [SLC 2070 S]

6. State whether the statements are True or False
a) Walky-talky is an example of full duplex mode. [SLC 2072]
b)  Data transfer rate is higher in optical fiber cable than in co-axial cable. [SLC 2072]
c) MODEM is necessary to access the internet [SLC 2065 S]

d) Fiber optics use light to carry a data signal through cable. [SLC 2065 S]

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