Monday, May 16, 2016

MCQ [Internet and Services]

1.        ____________ is the service of the Internet through which remote computer can be accessed from another location.
Newsgroup                   FTP                         Telnet                     E-mail
2.        Which software is needed for net surfing?
Web browser                                Word Processor                   Multimedia player                Windows Explorer
3.        Which protocol sends outgoing mail to mail server?
POP                                FTP                         HTTP                     SMTP
4.        The process of transferring file from a remote computer to local computer is:
Uploading                             Downloading                        Searching                              File transfer protocol
5.        Which of the following is valid e-mail ID?
mail@brushuponline@com                                        mail.brushuponline@com                              
6.        Which of the flowing is the internet service?
Chat                                E-Mail                    FAQ                       All of above
7.        Which of the following is online business?
E-Commerce  E-shopping           E-Business            All of the above
8.        Which one is not the service of the Internet?
Electronic Fax                       ii. Chatting             iii. Sharing hardware                            iv. Electronic mail
9.        Which is not the search engine?                            ii.                       iii.                          iv.
10.     Which protocol gets the email from the mail box to the user’s computer?
SMTP                     ii. POP                                    iii. FTP                    iv. HTTP
11.     In an email address :, what does ‘yahoo’ refer?
User account name              ii. Domain name    iii. Top level domain name  iv. None of them.
12.     The service of the Internet that provides audio and video conversation is_
Chat                        ii. E-mail iii. Video conference                            iv. Video chat
13.     The internet was developed by US.
Department of Defence               Department of Electronics                  Department of Commerce                   None
14.     A user can get files from another computer by using
File Transfer Protocol                          TCP/IP                   Internet Protocol  None of above
15.     Web-site is a collection of
HTML documents               Graphics File                         audio and video files           All of above
16.  Each web page has its own unique address known as
i) Uniform Resource Locator                                   ii) Universal Resource Locator
iii) Uniform Resources Locator                               iv) Universal Resources Locator
17.     The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another.
LAN                                       Intranet                                  Internet                      All of above
18.     A technology that allows the creation of collaborative web sites.
i. Wiki                                     ii. E-Mail                               iii. Search Engine  iv. All of above
19.     The buying and selling of things over the Internet.
i. Chat                                     ii. E-Commerce                      iii. Search Engine  iv. All of above
20.     A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server.
i.  Apple Talk                     ii.TCP/IP                   iii.FTP                                    iv. All of above     
21.     The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer.
i. Downloading                     ii. Uploading                         iii.FTP                                     iv. Gopher
22.     A set of interconnected WebPages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.
i. Web site                             ii. Web Browser    iii. Web server                      iv. None of above    
23.     A collection of millions of different types belonging to various network all over the globe.
        Internet                  ii) Intranet                  iii) Extranet
24.     Web sites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords.
                                i)World Wide Web          ii) Electronic mail                iii) Search engines
25.     A web site in the internet that brings people together in central location to talk, share ideas, share
              interests, make new friends.
                                i)USENET                   ii) Social network                        iii) Web chat
26.     An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time decision with one
       or more people through the Internet.
                                 i)Web chat                       ii)Newsgroup                     iii)Videoconferencing
27.     The process of transferring a copy of file from a remote computer to the requesting computer.
                                  i)Downloading                 ii)Uploading                    iii)FTP
28.     The unique address of a web page on the internet is called
i.URL                 ii. Browser                  iii. Protocol                 iv. HTTP
29.     Which is the protocol used in internet?
i. TCP/IP            ii.FTP                                          iii.ICP                                       iv.ISP
30.     Which one of the following is internet service?
i. Chat                             ii. e-commerce                       iii. e-mail                       iv. all of the above
31.     Which of the following allows the user to surf and interact with the web-page?
i. website                         ii. Browser                           iii.web page                  iv.web server
32.     The Arpanet was developed by
                i. ANSI                    ii. DARPA                            iii. POPA                                iv. None of them
33.     Which device is necessary to operate the internet?
i.CD-ROM         ii. ISP                                          iii. Modem                 iv. All of above
34.     Which is web browser software?
 i. Windows 2007             ii. Internet explorer    iii. Windows NT                       iv. All of the above
35.     Which is not related to Internet?
i.ISP                        ii.TCP/IP               iii.WWW                       iv.UPS
36.     Email is
                                             i.            Mail concerning electronic devices
                                            ii.            Transaction of letters,messages and memos over a communication network.
                                          iii.            Transaction of messages within a computer.                                          None of them.
37.     E-mail
                                             i.            cannot address many users                       Can address many users
                                            ii.            can address only 10user                                             None of them.
38.     Connection between a computer and  the Internet done using a normal telephone is called
                                             i.            Satellite network                           Dial-Up network   Cable network                       None of them
39.     The ARPAnet that helped to develop protocol is
                                             i.            TCP/IP                           ARP                        POPA                     None of above
40.     FTP is used to
                                             i.            Browse the Internet                     Send emails
                                            ii.            transfer files from one computer to another                            None of above
41.     WWW is a
                                             i.            Protocol of Internet                     Service of Internet               Language of Internet           None of them
42.     A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe
i. Internet                               ii. Intranet                              iii. Extranet
43.     Websites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords.
i. world wide web ii. electronic mail   iii. search engine
44.     Yahoo! Is a ……..
i. browser                               ii .home page                         iii. search engines
45.     An online interactive communication mechanism that les people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet
i. web chat             ii. Newsgroup                       iii. video conferencing
46.     the process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer .
i. downloading                      ii. Uploading                         iii.FTP
47.     Which is the internet service?
i. Telnet                          ii. POP                                    iii. Both                  iv. None
48.    Which is the correct Email ID?
i) Yahoo@ramesh        ii)      iii)                     iv) None of the above
49.    Which is web browser software?
i) Window 2007            ii) Internet Explorer              iii) Windows NT                   iv) All of the above
50.     Which is not related to Internet?
i) ISP                               ii) TCP/IP                               iii) WWW                              iv) UPS
51.     Which is the internet service?
i) IRC              ii) Telnet                iii) E-mail                iv) All of the above
52.     Which of the following is remote login service?
i. Video conferencing          ii. FTP              iii. Telnet         iv. TCP/IP
53.     Which device is necessary to operate internet?
i) CD-ROM            ii) ISP                      iii) MODEM          iv) All of the above
54.     Modem converts
i) Sound into digital     ii) Digital into sound            iii) Both i) and ii)                   iv) None
55.     Which is not an internet service?
i) e-mail                  ii) e-telephone       iii)e-fax                   iv) e-commerce
56.     E-commerce is ………….
i) a type of business    ii) a type of virus                  iii) both (i) &(ii)                     iv) None of the above
57.     E-mail is a/an ……………
i) organization which controls internet     ii) protocol to access internet            iii) service of Internet          iv) none
58.    Which of the following is remote login service?
        i) Video conferencing          ii) Telnet                iii) FTP                   iv) TCP/IP
59.     Which of the following network connects computer to the Internet?
i) Intranet                       ii) LAN                   iii) WAN                                iv) MAN

60.    Used to transfer file from one computer to another computer in Internet.
i. FAQ            ii. IRC     iii. FTP    iv. TPF

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