Monday, May 16, 2016

True N False [Internet and Services]

1.        US government controls the Internet.
2.        The web uses HTTP protocol to transmit data.
3.        Web documents contain graphics, sounds, text and video.
4.        FTP is document that allows you to log into another computers on the Internet.
5.        Usenet messages are stored on central computers.
6.        Downloading is process of sending files from your computer to another computer on the Internet.
7.        E-commerce is buying and selling products services online.
8.        In the Internet information can be sent from any computer to any other 24 hours a day.
9.        The web remained primarily text based until 1998.
10.     Probably the most common web-based resources available through Telnet is library catalogs.
11.     The Internet carries large amount of data stored in specific server.
12.     ARPANET was the beginning to invent the Internet.
13.     FTP is used to transfer file from one computer to another.
14.     Telnet is used to browse the webpages.
15.     DNS is used to convert domain name into IP address.
16.     The network of network is called the Internet.
17.     Search engines are used for sending and receiving emails.
  1. ARPANET was the first computer network.
  2. Internet is the service provided by WWW.
  3. Websites have their own uniqueness address known as United Resource Locator.
  4. Chatting only supports voice messages.
  5. Search engines are used to locate information on the Internet.
  6. ISP provides the Internet service to end users.
  7. Google chrome is a search engine.
25.     Web servers are stored in websites.
26.     People can send or receive email through the IRC.
27.     You can send only text message through the Internet.
28.     The Internet provides facility for posting messages on various subjects on the newsgroup.
29.     The Internet user can only buy goods through the Internet.
30.     The internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the interlinked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
31.     Communication between all the different devices on the internet is made possible by FTP.
32.     Dial-up connections involves large volumes of information being carried at high speeds to your PC.
33.     Telnet allows you to remote computers (called hosts) over a TCP/IP network (such as the internet).
34.     DNS represents a powerful internet technology for converting domain names to IP address.
35.     The Internet has greatly changed the way   people use computers and communicate today.
36.     The seeds of today’s   Internet were planted in 1959, when U.S. Department of Defense sponsored a project named ARPANET.
37.     The minimum hardware requirement for connecting the Internet is a computer system with at least 80486 processor, 40 GB hard disk and minimum 64 GB RAM with 128 MB RAM.
38.     Wiki is a technology that allows the creation of collaborative web sites.
39.     Web server is a set of interconnected web pages. 
40.     Internet is a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various network  over the globe.
41.     TCP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination.
42.     Wi-Fi refers to wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal.
43.     Web chat is a live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction.
44.     Social network is a web site on the Internet that brings people together in a central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends etc.
45.     A person can reverse the room in a hotel and even purchase goods by using his computer.
46.     Internet is the Network.
47.     You can send mail through internet but cannot receive the mail.
48.     A web page can have only textual information.
49.     A search engine allows you to search web sites on the net as specified.
50.     Downloader makes downloading files from web sites easy.
51.     The Internet became popular during 1980s.
52.     The Internet is a network between different computers within a group.
53.     An Internet electronic mail address has two parts the user name and the domain name.
54.     We will use IRC to make real time communication
55.     Th e Internet is owned and controlled by US government.
56.     The World Wide Web uses a protocol called TCP/IP.

  1. The internet allows to play the interactive multimedia games, listen to music and watch digital movies.
  2. TCP/IP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination .
  3. Electronic mail contains a large collection of linked text , image, sound and video files.
  4. The method of locating information on the internet involves the use of search engine.
  5. Fire wall programs allow workgroups to use the internet to see each others face in small window on the computer screen and to hear their voice through speakers.

Technical Terms [Internet and Services]

1.        The term used to describe the tool which allows one computer user to send a message to one or more other computer users over a computer network.
2.        Both a program and method used to transfer files between computers.
3.        A global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topics.
4.        The visual communication of parties around the world.
5.        A searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program.
6.        Internet programs to communicate with each other by typing in real time.
7.        A server which sorts and directs your mail for you.
8.        A network of networks.
9.        A component of the Internet that presents information in a graphical interface.
10.     The document formatting language used to link document in on the web.
11.     Sending mail by using computer.
12.     The application software which is used to visit web pages.
13.     Commercial activities on the Internet.
14.     A web page, which is designed to search other web pages.
15.     Protocol used to browse the internet.
16.     The technology with deliver voice over the Internet.
17.     The learning process by using the Internet.
18.     The total set of interlinked by hypertext documents residing on HTTP servers.
19.     A mechanism which is used to convert domain names into IP addresses.
20.     The largest computer network.
21.     Website used to search information on the internet.
22.     The process of transferring data/file from user’s computer to Internet.
23.     Visual communication over the internet.
24.     Protocol used to receive email from mail server.
25.     Online postal service.
26.     Internet service that allows real time communication.
27.     An online meeting and information system that allows people to carry on discussions.
28.     A company that provides the Internet facility.
29.     A service of the Internet that allows a user to access the remote computer.
30.     A service of the Internet that allows a user to send or receive instant message.
31.     A program that allows the user to scan the contents of the internet to find Web sites or specific information of the interest to them.
32.     A document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device.
33.     A protocol used by the WWW to establish client server interaction.
34.     The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another.
35.     A protocol used for sending emails from one server to another.
36.     The online services that allow users to scan the contents of the Internet to find web sites or specific information of interest to them.
37.     A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server.
38.     A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various network all over the globe.
39.     The wireless technology that allows computer and other devices communicate over a wireless signal.
40.     The exchange of messages and computer files between computers over a computer network.
41.     A coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index, and returns result to you.
42.     The use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere.
43.     The very first page of every web site.
44.     Software that is used for surfing information through the internet.
45.     The process of copying files, documents, programs, etc from users computer to the web server.
46.     An internet tool that helps to download /upload the file.
47.     Buying and selling products and services online.
48.     The private network within an organization that utilizes the internet services.
49.     A service of the internet that allows a user to post question for discussion.
50.     A service of the internet that allows a user to connect a remote computer.
51.     Internet services that helps us to send and receive instant messages.
52.     Voice communication through Internet.
53.     A program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the Internet as a user on that system.
54.     High speed digital communication network evolving from existing telephony.
55.     A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe .
56.     Websites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords
57.     An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet
58.     the process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote  computer to the requesting computer
59.     A character (such as asterisk or question mark) that stands for any other character, or series of any character

60.     An internet tool that helps to upload/download the file.

Match the Following ]Internet and Services]

NCSA Mosaic                     Internet Protocol
ARPA                                  Online shopping
WWW                                 Funded by US DOD
TCP/IP                                Dr. Berners-Lee
E-commerce                            First web browser

E-mail                                     A private network within an organization.
World Wide Web                The opening or main page of a website.
Home Page                            The buying and selling of goods and services on   internet.
Electronic commerce            The leading information – exchange service of the internet.
Intranet                                  The exchange of computer-stored messages telecommunication

E-Mail                    The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another.                                                                              
Wiki                        A company which gives us the facility to gain access to the Internet against a fee.
Internet                  A technology that allows the creation of collaborative web sites.
ISP                          A system used for creating, sending and storing textual data in the digital form over a network.
Web chat               It is a form of real time online communication between you and one of our service advisors based on typed text.
E-Banking              A system allowing individuals to perform banking activities at home, via the internet.
Web servers         The computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages.
Web page              Web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser.
URL                        An address that identifies the location of a Web page on the Internet.
                                Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name.

Usenet                  Instant Chatting  
MSN                    Remote Login                               
Telnet                   Internet component   
Modem                 Newsgroup

Internet                  Service of internet
HTTP                     Service provider
Email                       Networks of networks
ISP                          Protocol
online chat

E-mail                     a global collection of millions of computers of  different types belonging to various networks worldwide                                                        
Internet                  an online communication   mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussion with one or more people through the internet
Newsgroup           electronic message sent from one computer to another
Web Chat              world wide discussion group in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest.

Fill in the Blanks [Internet and Services]

1.        The internet was developed by_______________ and the ARPANET was developed by __________________
2.        The remote login protocol is________________ and file transfer protocol is ________________
3.        The main page of the website is called___________________
4.        The internet connection requires _____________ , _____________ and _______________
5.        A dedicated server used to serve web pages is called _______________
6.        Some of the common web browsers are  ________________ , _________________, ______________ and __________________
7.        _______________, __________________ and ________________ are the advantage of email.
8.        ____________________, ______________________ and _____________________ are misuses of internet.
9.        ___________, _____________, ________________ and ________________ are the common service provided by the internet.
10.     _______________are online services that allow users to scan the contents of the Internet to find Web sites or specific information of interest to them.
11.     _______________ refers to the buying and selling of things over the Internet.
12.     The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is called _______________                       
13.     _______________are computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages.
14.     _______________is a set of standards that allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages.  
15.     _______________ is an interconnection of several computers of different types belonging to various  network all over the world.
16.     The Internet began life in 1969 when the United States Department of Defence started a network called _______________
17.     _______________can be simply defined as a fast connection to the internet that is always on.
18.     _______________ refers to wireless networking technology that allows computer and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal.
19.     _______________ is a standard for high speed broadband internet access over a wireless connection.
20.     The World Wide Web was initially conceived at_______________,the famous particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.
21.     The _______________is the leading information-exchange service of the Internet.
22.      _______________is defined as the exchange of message and computer file between computers over a computer network.
23.     On the Internet, a _______________ is a coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index and returns result to you.
24.     _______________on the Internet has become a popular way for people to connect online in a group(a chat room) to share similar interests.
25.     _______________is a collection of user-submitted notes or messages on various subjects that are posted to servers on a worldwide network.
26.     _______________is a live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction.
27.     _______________is the buying or selling of goods and services on the Internet , especially the World Wide Web.
28.     _______________is a web site on the Internet that brings people together in a central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends, etc.
29.     Internet is also known as network of __________________.
30.     Mozilla Firefox is ________________ program.
31.     __________________is an online textual communication with each other in real time.
32.     _________________ is a protocol used to upload and download information.
33.     The process of copying and storing data, files, programs, etc. from internet server to user’s computer is known as_________________.
34.     Internet is the ___________________ network of computer in the world.
35.     Dial-up internet access requires_____________ and ________________.
36.     In the internet you can _____________ and _______________ message using email facility.
37.     World Wide Web is also known as _________________.
38.     A ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________  is the collection of web pages.
39.     Each page of information is known as _________________.
40.     Each web sites is identified by the ____________________.
41.     Windows Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two popular ________________.
42.     The Internet is network of     ­­­­­____________________.
43.     The Internet is useful in different sectors such as­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________ and ________________.
44.     Two types of modem are_________________ and ­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________
45.     ­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________ is software that allows the user to surf the information through the Internet.
46.     Chat programs allows user to ­_________________ with each other in real time.
47.     Transmission control Protocol or Internet Protocol is used to make communication between ___________________And ________________ in the Internet.
48.     a.___________________ Is a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe.
49.     The internet originated from an experimental network called ________________created in 1969.
50.     ________________ is the leading information exchanged service of the internet.
51.     The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is called ________________
52.     _______________ is the process of transferring data files from a network location to the user’s computer.